2001: PhD in carbohydrate chemistry at University Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens)
2001-2002: Associate professor at University Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens).
2002-2003: Post-doctoral researcher at ENSC Rennes.
2003-2004: Post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University (BELGIUM)
2004-2006: Post-doctoral researcher, CERMAV – CNRS, Grenoble
Since 2006: Permanent CNRS researcher, CERMAV, Grenoble (France).
• Awards
2015: Scientific excellence award from CNRS.
2019: CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI – CNITECH Ningbo)
• Research Interests
Synthesis of bioactive relevant carbohydrates and their bioconjugation.
Rationally design of Glyco-amphiphiles and their self-assembly in solution or in bulk.
• Scientific production
50 peer-reviewed publications / More than 40 conferences (14 invited) / 6 patents
• Supervision activities
6 supervisions of PhD thesis, 8 involvements in PhD thesis, 10 Masters & IUT internships, 5 Post-docs, 2 Research engineers.
• Current Projects:
Coordinator of ANR project “SWEET-DISPLAY” (AAPG 2021) for the development of label-free biosensor for detecting sugar-pathogen interactions.
Coordinator of ANR project “GAG-LIKE” (AAPG 2017) aiming to prepare glycomimetics useful for cartilage regeneration.
Coordinator of Arcane LABEX project “SWEET-LCD” (2018) for the development of protecting-group-free modifications of carbohydrates and multivalent ligands of pathogenic lectins.
Coordinator of Carnot Institute POLYNAT project “CARBOGEL” (2021-2022) for carbohydrate-based supramolecular hydrogels.
• 5 Selected publications over the last 5 years:
1- Teemu T. T. Myllymäki, Aynur Guliyeva, Antti Korpi, Mauri A. Kostiainen, Ville Hynninen, Nonappa, Patrice Rannou, Olli Ikkala, and Sami Halila. Lyotropic liquid crystals and linear supramolecular polymers of end-functionalized oligosaccharides. Chem Commun. (2019), 55, 11739–11742. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C9CC04715H
2- François Portier, Justine Solier, Sami Halila. N,N’-Disubstituted Barbituric Acid: A Versatile and Modular Multifunctional Platform for Obtaining -C-Glycoconjugates from Unprotected Carbohydrates in Water. Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2019), 36, 6158–6162, COVER FEATURE & Hot Topics in chemistry and materials. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ejoc.201901251
3- Francois Portier, Anne Imberty, and Sami Halila. Expeditious Synthesis of C-Glycosyl Barbiturate Ligands of Bacterial Lectins: From Monomer Design to Glycoclusters and Glycopolymers. Bioconjugate Chem. (2019), 30 (3), 647–656. DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00847
4- Jing Chen, Christophe Travelet, Redouane Borsali, Sami Halila. Hemicellulosic Polysaccharides Mimics: Synthesis of Tailored Bottlebrush-Like Xyloglucan Oligosaccharide Glycopolymers as Binders of Nanocrystalline Cellulose. Biomacromolecules (2017), 18 (10), pp 3410–3417, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01056.
5- Chih-Chien Hung, Yu-Cheng Chiu, Hung-Chin Wu, Chien Lu, Cécile Bouilhac, Issei Otsuka, Sami Halila, Redouane Borsali, Shih-Huang Tung, and Wen-Chang Chen. Conception of Stretchable Resistive Memory Devices Based on Nanostructure-Controlled Carbohydrate-block-Polyisoprene Block Copolymers. Adv. Funct. Mater., (2017) 13(27), 1606161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201606161.