Redouane Borsali is a CNRS Director of Research and the Group Leader of “Self-Assembly of Glycopolymers” at CERMAV, a CNRS Laboratory in Grenoble Alpes University. He is also the Director of PolyNat Carnot Institute.
R. Borsali completed in 1988 his PhD at the University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (France) in Polymer Sciences, followed by a Postdoctoral position at the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer research (Mainz, Germany). In 1995, he joined IBM research center of Almaden, San Jose, California and Stanford University (Chemistry Department) as a visiting scientist. In 2000, he setup a polymer science group in Bordeaux (LCPO) and from 2007-2015 he serves as the Director of CERMAV, a CNRS Glycosciences research center in Grenoble where he is leading today the Glycopolymer Self-Assembly group.
His recent work is focusing on the self-assembly of carbohydrate block copolymer systems: towards Nanoparticles and thin films and their applications in “Green Material bio-nanoelectronic devices”. He coordinated many projects (Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, USA,…) and is the author of more than 280 publications, 5 patents and 4 books- He is serving in the advisory boards of many journals including : Nanomaterial, Open Access Journal – MDPI; Chemosensor, Open Access Journal – MDPI; Materials Research: Iberico-American Material Journal,… R. Borsali has received prestigious awards including: International award of the SPSJ (Society of Polymer Society Japan) (2020), the Scientific Grand Prize France-Taiwan (2018) from the Academy of Sciences, Paris and “Stars of Europe” Award in Research and Innovation (2017).